"The question is not what you look at, but what you see"

Posted on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"The question is not what you look at, but what you see" Henry David Thoreau

Right now, in this moment, this quote resonates with me more then anything. Life is about experiences. Experiences are either good or bad depending on your perception. But that's just it-there really is no good or bad. It's your perception that determines how you interpret any given experience. So, why do we choose to live in a world where negativity, stress, and bad thoughts rule our lives? Because we forget our power. Our power to react, to hold our tongue, to analyze, to feel,  to allow. We forget to allow ourselves to experience emotions. Instead, we are consumed by those emotions. I don't know whether or not this is something we've been conditioned to "experience" (for lack of better ways to describe it) or if we've decided to react this way through example, but it is not an experience that we need to have. Emotions are great. They are wonderful ways in which we can learn about our higher selves, what we stand for, how we truly feel. But we are not our emotions. Emotions are experiences and just like every experience we are able to determine what affect it will have on our lives. That is why I choose love. In each and every situation. Unconditional love is the only sentiment that is not swayed by emotion. It is not a feeling but rather a knowing, an accepting, a gift. Love allows us to bypass fear, guilt, stress, and worry. It allows us to connect with ourselves, the earth, and the sky. Love binds the stars to the heavens, the birds to the air, the trees rooted in the ground. We are all connected. With love, it is possible to see this. When we look at the world with rose colored glasses, we are able to truly see it for what it's worth.  A beautiful playground on the path to finding our true self.

So why waste your experiences on negative thoughts?


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