Shedding What No Longer Serves You

Posted on Wednesday, September 30, 2015

truly believe that we meet the people in our lives exactly when we do in order to teach us something. Whether it's a big lesson or one on a subconscious level-everyone has something to learn from even the most basic of interactions. 

That being said, I also believe that with this comes the responsibility to shed those relationships that no longer serve us. It is not always easy, pleasant, and doesn't necessarily feel good-but it is what our souls need in order to grow. A relationship that constantly invites negativity into your life is not one that enables you to grow into your truest, fullest higher self. This sort of relationship requires you to stay on a lower level of thinking, one that is further away from unconditional love. 

That is not to say this relationship does not serve you or teach you, but with all forms of exchanges there comes a time where it is necessary for your soul to let go and grow. 

On Nikola Tesla

Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I'm going to keep this post short and to the point. This article written by Tesla in 1900 needs to be read by everyone. 


"The question is not what you look at, but what you see"

Posted on Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"The question is not what you look at, but what you see" Henry David Thoreau

Right now, in this moment, this quote resonates with me more then anything. Life is about experiences. Experiences are either good or bad depending on your perception. But that's just it-there really is no good or bad. It's your perception that determines how you interpret any given experience. So, why do we choose to live in a world where negativity, stress, and bad thoughts rule our lives? Because we forget our power. Our power to react, to hold our tongue, to analyze, to feel,  to allow. We forget to allow ourselves to experience emotions. Instead, we are consumed by those emotions. I don't know whether or not this is something we've been conditioned to "experience" (for lack of better ways to describe it) or if we've decided to react this way through example, but it is not an experience that we need to have. Emotions are great. They are wonderful ways in which we can learn about our higher selves, what we stand for, how we truly feel. But we are not our emotions. Emotions are experiences and just like every experience we are able to determine what affect it will have on our lives. That is why I choose love. In each and every situation. Unconditional love is the only sentiment that is not swayed by emotion. It is not a feeling but rather a knowing, an accepting, a gift. Love allows us to bypass fear, guilt, stress, and worry. It allows us to connect with ourselves, the earth, and the sky. Love binds the stars to the heavens, the birds to the air, the trees rooted in the ground. We are all connected. With love, it is possible to see this. When we look at the world with rose colored glasses, we are able to truly see it for what it's worth.  A beautiful playground on the path to finding our true self.

So why waste your experiences on negative thoughts?


Tumbled Crystal Collection - A Snapshot

Posted on Monday, August 31, 2015

Here is just a quick overview of some of my favorite tumbled crystals! I keep them in this little handmade basket woven by the Caspian Sea that I picked up a few years back visiting family while on vacation. I especially love how soft and inviting this basket is. I really feel as though it is exactly where this collection of stones is meant to be!  


On Manifesting Your Reality

Posted on Friday, August 28, 2015

Manifesting your reality seems to be a big topic of discussion these days. As more and more people are awakening, seeking, and searching, manifesting is naturally at the forefront of discussion. It seems as though people are looking for a "quick fix" in their lives. And obviously if you are able to will success, abundance, and more into your life, then why wouldn't you? 

The thing is, manifesting doesn't work like that. Sure, you may seek financial stability during your time here and you might even get it, but that's not what it's all about. What's the trick to succeeding every time? When you manifest it must absolutely come from a place of unconditional love, of gratitude, and of trust. It's your way of telling the Universe that you're doing a-ok, that you are taken care of and no longer fear the outcome-whatever that may be. Manifesting is not only taking control of your life in your own hands, but even more so letting go of that control. It's the balance we all seek. 

"What you seek is seeking you" -Rumi

You Were Born To Make A Difference

Posted on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Every action has an equal reaction to it. At every stop you must go, and from every sleep you must wake. The circle of life, karmic restitution-whatever you choose to call it-an experience is created in that moment. How you choose to interpret that moment is how you choose to live your life. Each of us are here, right now, right where we are, in order to experience new experiences and to gain new insights. Our purpose is not to help others on their journey, but rather to help ourselves on our own individual path to getting to know our true higher self. If you are one of the lucky few who have come to this realization in this lifetime, rejoice! Celebrate! Express gratitude! You are coming into your own and getting where you need to be. Unfortunately, that cannot be said about everyone. It is not up to us to force this experience on others. Everyone has their own path and journey they must make and will come to this realization at the right time for their soul growth. Our human livelihood focuses on material gains and mundane concerns. We are taught to view life from a place of fear rather than from one of abundance. We are conditioned to ignore our intuition and to go with the masses. Negativity in all situations is the focal point and the revolving door to our lives. But, it doesn't have to be. We are still in control of our actions and our reactions to each and every situation that presents itself. It is our duty to share the positive of this experience with others. If we are able to react to worldly scenarios in a calm, cool, collected manner, with a focus on consciousness and unconditional love, then who are we to restrict this experience towards another? Every person you come into contact with is deliberate. In that moment you are both exactly where you need to be. This is a gift. Share your zest for life, your passion for your purpose. If we are the makers of our own destiny, then surely we can impact that of another by being our truest self.

"The highest love a person can have for you is to wish for you to evolve into the best person you can be." -David Viscott 


Sometimes our best work comes from our darkest times

Posted on Thursday, August 13, 2015

I have been on my path of spiritual awareness ever since I can remember honestly. I have always questioned my reality and have felt odd or different. At a young age when I realized that I was different I hid that part away from the world. I created a beautiful shell of a person that was easier to swallow and that people liked. She was witty and funny. She acted tough when all she wanted to do was crumble in to a million pieces. It got me far in life but it made me lose sight of who I truly was. I became this fake persona even when I was alone. I felt hollow and bitter inside but I pushed those feelings down and pretended they never even existed.

There is a funny thing about emotions though. You can never truly suffocate them in to the depths of your being. They always bubble up and ooze out of your mind's pores sometimes without you even knowing. An aggressive driver may cut you off on the freeway and you fly in to a fit of rage. You scream obscenities towards the careless driver and while your heart races, you feel like no one cares about you and you truly never matter. How can an isolated incident make you feel so small and insignificant? The person that cut you off has no idea of who you are. The subconscious has surfaced in this case and has basically made you feel the feelings that you have refused to.

The same can happen when you are having a crisis in your life. This is essentially what is happening to me at this very moment. My dark night of the soul has increased in intensity and the world that I have concocted seems to be falling to pieces around me. It is a familiar feeling for me because my path has never allowed me to stay comfortable for too long. Every time things go easily my life shakes up and I just try to keep my head above water. I am convinced that the universe does this to crack away at my fake shell. When you feel the deepest depths of your true sadness you are able to honestly evolve spiritually.

So how does this all relate to YOU? I know that I am not the only person that feels the deep endless sadness that never seems to truly disappear. I know that when you are deep in the depths of your dark night you may feel like no one can relate. I am here to tell you that is simply not true. This is not some deep terrible curse that has taken over your entire life. This is a right of passage for everyone that is truly on the path of self awareness. I am not writing this to tell you to smile through the hard times. I am writing this to let you know it is okay to cry. After you dry your tears and look up at the dark sky that has engulfed your entire being. Look up and search so hard for those beautiful stars that light up so beautifully when the night is the darkest. Enjoy those twinkles of bright light and just know that there is hope and you are okay.

It is important to to work through those dark times! The most beautiful things that you can possibly create come from honest pain that you experience during this time. When you cannot possibly talk about your pain one more time find another outlet. Take to any artistic activity that calls your name. Dance your feelings out like no one is looking. Write the sweetest poem that has ever escaped the crevices of your mind. Do anything and everything that you can think of to ease the pain and allow it to escape. This journey is not for the faint of heart but I am here to tell you that I KNOW it is worth it.

Allow Love and Light to Guide You on YOUR Way --Kristen