You Were Born To Make A Difference

Posted on Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Every action has an equal reaction to it. At every stop you must go, and from every sleep you must wake. The circle of life, karmic restitution-whatever you choose to call it-an experience is created in that moment. How you choose to interpret that moment is how you choose to live your life. Each of us are here, right now, right where we are, in order to experience new experiences and to gain new insights. Our purpose is not to help others on their journey, but rather to help ourselves on our own individual path to getting to know our true higher self. If you are one of the lucky few who have come to this realization in this lifetime, rejoice! Celebrate! Express gratitude! You are coming into your own and getting where you need to be. Unfortunately, that cannot be said about everyone. It is not up to us to force this experience on others. Everyone has their own path and journey they must make and will come to this realization at the right time for their soul growth. Our human livelihood focuses on material gains and mundane concerns. We are taught to view life from a place of fear rather than from one of abundance. We are conditioned to ignore our intuition and to go with the masses. Negativity in all situations is the focal point and the revolving door to our lives. But, it doesn't have to be. We are still in control of our actions and our reactions to each and every situation that presents itself. It is our duty to share the positive of this experience with others. If we are able to react to worldly scenarios in a calm, cool, collected manner, with a focus on consciousness and unconditional love, then who are we to restrict this experience towards another? Every person you come into contact with is deliberate. In that moment you are both exactly where you need to be. This is a gift. Share your zest for life, your passion for your purpose. If we are the makers of our own destiny, then surely we can impact that of another by being our truest self.

"The highest love a person can have for you is to wish for you to evolve into the best person you can be." -David Viscott 


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